Thursday, June 20, 2013

Let God lead me again....

Wow, seems like forever since I've actually taken the time to sit down & put my thoughts & feelings to words.....I've actually been under a major attack from the enemy for quite a bit. At first I was doing pretty good at just taking all the hurtful attacks & just lay them at the foot of the Cross. But the day came when I started fighting back on my own....mistake.

Seems like when we take our problems into our own flesh hands, we fail. It may take a minute, hour, day, a year or even more, but eventually we WILL fail. God created us to need Him, in ALL areas of our lives. He created us to have to have Him in EVERY area of our lives...from birth to death, we will never be fulfilled until we realize we were created by Him for Him.

This is not news to me. I've known & understood this for a few years now. I was flowing right along just abiding within Him for quite awhile, no doubts, no lack of faith, just total belief & love. The Bible says in...         

1 Peter 5:8 ESV          

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

I recognize that creeps attacks from a mile away, usually. But what about when you're under attack & from another part of your life comes another attack, then another????? What do you do then???? Do NOT do what I did. I let him trick me into falling for his lies.

I believe that he uses things from our past to try to lure us into taking our eyes off of God & then attacks those areas that are exposed from EVERY angle. He can't read our minds, so he has to rely on our history & what he hears, or sees. With me he found an opening in areas he attacks regularly. For years he used the same old trick, and for years I fell for it....but then God showed me how I could just focus on Him & let Him take care of all my life....ALL of it. I'm not sure what has given him the opportunity this time, I wouldn't write it down even if I did.

So, today & actually for the last few days God has been trying to get my attention back, but I ignored Him. That is until today. He shared these Verses with me about my dilemma's & showed me EXACTLY what He meant at this moment through these Words for my situation....

Philippians 3:13-14 (ESV)

 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Then He followed those beautiful Truths with these.....

Colossians 2:8(ESV)  See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.


Oh my did those open my eyes......& these were just a couple of the many He led me to!! I believe He was showing me He will take care of it, I just need to put my eyes back on Him & give Him the problems that I was holding on soooo tightly to. I now realize that I can't fix my past, I can only learn from it & move on.


So, I'm ready again to let go....let God's peace envelope me & God lead me again.



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Faith & me are intertwined....because I believe.

I hear these people asking me
How do I know what I believe
Well, I'm not the same me, and that's all the proof I need
I felt love, I felt Your grace
You stole my heart that day

These are someof the lyrics to "All this time" sung by Britt Nicole
Faith & Believe.....

To me they are intertwined....they each exist within each other & because of each other. It's like me, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that God sent His only Son to save me, because the Bible tells me He did, and I have faith that the Bible is God's living breathing Word. It's alive & helps me build my relationship with God & in the process teaches me about Him.....His Word is a lamp on my path....

Until about 8 years ago I didn't really have a relationship with my Savior, I pretty much lived for me.....lived in the world. Behaved like the world, didn't think much about God at all. Then we hit bottom....yes the same old story, no where else to turn. Lots of us find Him this's ok, it's really ok, God meets us right where we're at....way down at the bottom of the slimy makes no difference to our Amazing Lord! I know this is a fact, He found me!!

I used to feel a wonderful feeling when I would hear about God, or someone would share His Word, but since I was in the world, I thought it was unimportant. I used to say "life doesn't come with a manual".....but it does. I have learned this more & more as I've accepted the FREE gift of Salvation in Christ!! It's the Bible. It teaches me what He expects of me, has for me & if I will just be still, & believe, He will always fight for me. It's teaching me that if I lay myself, life, sins, problems, worries, EVERYTHING, at His feet, I have His peace, a peace UNLIKE any in this world. 

Now, I have doubters. I have people who think I'm nuts, out there....just outright  unbelievable. God tells us in....

1 Corinthians 1:18
 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
I pray for my doubters. I really pray that they will see God in me. I want everyone I know & don't know to have eternal life, not eternal hell. I simply believe because I have seen what God's doing in my life, family, home  & marriage.....He is moving mightily in these areas, constantly. He is our provision, He is our Wonderful Councelor, He's my EVERYTHING. In His Word I have learned that God is always in me, He'll guide me if I listen. He has many many times in my life. I've seen miracles, I know He can do all.
I believe with ALL my heart, soul & mind, that God's Word, the Bible, is real. When I'm sitting there trying to explain to someone how much God's done & doing for me. How I don't have to worry about anything, that He's moved mountains in our family since we have begun to pray & believe. If my life isn't enough proof, I understand. God clearly states it in.....
John 20:30-31
Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
So, since accepting the FREE GIFT of Salvation......He's been growing my faith, perseverence, & in the process I have found I really believe.  Believe in God, His Word, that I am Saved......
My faith & me are intertwined....because I believe....




Monday, June 3, 2013

I am more like my Savior......less like the world.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 NIV

So this morning, I was awakened very early....not even 7 am. That is sooo early for me, especially when I'm the only one in a house filled to capacity that is awake. I got on my phone, had a message. It was the message I had been waiting to get. Once again, it was not was I was hoping for. It never is with this person. I know you'd think I could get it through my thick skull that this person, no matter how hard they try, can not see outside themself......which is hard for me. I think it's soooo hard because I love this person. I've tried most of life to please this person....wanted more than anything to be accepted & REALLY loved by her..........but she can't see past herself, she can't look to me & see that I am hurt, or I have any reason to hurt. Really hurt.

So, I answered this message sooooooo many times, in sooooo many ways. I let the old me answer, I let the hurt me answer, I let every part of me answer the words that were thrown at me......hurled at me......with such care these words were typed....on both sides. The difference is only one.....I didn't send mine.

I let God lead me.....He led me with this one verse. His inspiration to love. Love without words. Lately, I seem to have taken this one verse not to heart. I didn't learn to live & love the way God wants us to growing up. I learned how to hurt with my words, not love with them. This, God is teaching me. It's taking Him a while, cuz I'm stubborn. But if I let myself go....if I truly listen to His stirrings in my heart & mind, He always brings me back to REAL reality....that it doesn't matter who loves me, He always loves me. That people, no matter who they are in your life, will hurt me. It's because they are people.....we all fall short.

So, I have been up, listening to music.....the words opening my heart back up....reminding me who I am in Him, reminding me He's been walking right beside me is such a way for me to calm, excite, lift myself up to God....I'm free in music. Pretty much anything I can think of can be found in at least one song....God knows me sooooo very well. He knows to calm His daughter, He simply needs to remind me I have headphones & music on my laptop, or phone....then I can lift praise to Him which brings me the most joy....EVER!!

So, after taking several attempts at answering this message.....I give into my Father & delete the final answer. I instead decide to hear His Word, His instruction, His Truth that reminds me I am redeemed, because He loved me so much He sent His only Son to die for my sins.....the times I didn't listen to His urging & everything I have chosen over Him. He asks only that we accept this Truth......and love one another.

I will not live according to the voice of my past, not hers, not mine, not anyone who isn't my Savior. Only His opinion matters, I don't have to answer to anyone else EVER. So my biggest desire is to live less me, more Him. In this one choice to delete the hateful, angry, pain filled replies I typed this morning, I am more like my Savior.......less like the world.