So tonight I'm soooooo excited. Tomorrow Sweet Hubby, Jr & I head up North, one of my closest, dearest bff's oldest son is graduating....we couldn't make it to the actual graduation, Sweet Hubby is already off for a 4 day weekend so we couldn't take off another day. Which matters none to me, I'm grateful to be getting out & about......the reason makes it even more exciting to me.
This bff & I have known each other for soooo many years, I just dont want to count back that far, feel to old if I do...hahaha. She has been there for me, so much I just couldn't even share all the times, or reasons. She's known me since before I was a believer. The most amazing thing about this woman, is her ability to love. She hasn't ever judged me, she's never said.......You're un-anything. She's always stood by me, she's always been a very good friend. I love this woman, like a sister, in fact I consider her my sister.
So, I'm feeling all the blessings of the LORD above tonight for sure. Funny thing is, I was pretty sure since the end of last week that I wasn't going to get to go, because of how sick I've been. Well that is a great excuse, if I was honest, which of course I will be, it's really been my lack of focus, and everything else.....I was definately in the middle of the enemy's plan for me....he loves to use the 3 D's against us....first he distracts us, then while we're distracted, he tries to divide us, usually our family's then our brothers & sister's in Christ......then while our focus is distracted & the division is starting to set in, he moves in for the kill with trying to destroy us....our faith, our relationship with God....he hates us & any little bit he can take us away from God's plan for us, makes him very happy......
The only thing is, as a believer, a follower of my Savior, Jesus Christ, all I have to have is a little hope, a little faith, trust God the size of a mustard seed!!! So, if we cast it all on God, He will take care of it all. We simply need to believe......push aside the doubt that the enemy is pushing on us. I have strength when I abide in Christ, that will never change.........I simply need to abide. Give God control of every part of our life Verses are.......
Jeremiah 29:11-13
New International Version (NIV)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
So, how simple is this??? Seek Him & He will share His plans to prosper & not harm us, & to give us hope & a, I'll take that. All I need to do is call on Him, pray to Him, & seek Him with ALL my heart.....not the parts I want to, but ALL the parts of not only my heart, but Me.....SIMPLE.
Today I had a shock, a surprise that made me cracked my heart a little more. But God reminded me that not only does He have plans for me......but if ANYONE, ANYONE, ANYONE seeks Him, He has a plan to prosper them, and give them hope & a I took this pain to Him. Gave it to Him......prayed for them, love & blessings......I know that both of these people I have been inspired by are believers.....they are also made of flesh......prone to worldly sin. But I know they seek Him & I know that He's working very mightily in their lives right at this moment.....I believe.
God has made a few changes in my life, and like everyone else, I dislike change. It's usually associated with some sort of pain, no gain, right??? Well, when He carries me to something, He never takes me where His Grace wont cover me, He always gives me a way out.....and He is my strength.
So, I cast my cares upon You LORD.....trusting Your plan, who loves me more than You, Father.....????
So, how simple is this??? Seek Him & He will share His plans to prosper & not harm us, & to give us hope & a, I'll take that. All I need to do is call on Him, pray to Him, & seek Him with ALL my heart.....not the parts I want to, but ALL the parts of not only my heart, but Me.....SIMPLE.
Today I had a shock, a surprise that made me cracked my heart a little more. But God reminded me that not only does He have plans for me......but if ANYONE, ANYONE, ANYONE seeks Him, He has a plan to prosper them, and give them hope & a I took this pain to Him. Gave it to Him......prayed for them, love & blessings......I know that both of these people I have been inspired by are believers.....they are also made of flesh......prone to worldly sin. But I know they seek Him & I know that He's working very mightily in their lives right at this moment.....I believe.
God has made a few changes in my life, and like everyone else, I dislike change. It's usually associated with some sort of pain, no gain, right??? Well, when He carries me to something, He never takes me where His Grace wont cover me, He always gives me a way out.....and He is my strength.
So, I cast my cares upon You LORD.....trusting Your plan, who loves me more than You, Father.....????
Happy Memorial Weekend 2013....thanks to all the ones who gave ALL......and their families.
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