Thursday, March 29, 2018

Messengers by the light of the fire...

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

Isaiah 6:8 NLT

Each evening there was a campfire time. At the first 2 campfires there were some mighty powerful messengers from God. They came to share their battles with us when the sun was long gone and the moon was tiny and high in the sky. The lighting was perfect for the messages God wanted to share through them. It was more of a glow than bright lights. I think that maybe those were the testimonies God had that not everyone knew about. The kinds of messages that were shared by the campfire with the sisters God personally sat on each rock. Some of us understood exactly what God was saying, and others may have had to take a question or two to God before they understood.

The messenger for the first campfire was G. I have been blessed to hear her speak before and I have seen her at all the other retreats I am pretty sure. She is one of the leadership team for MYRRH Ministries. She is a powerful warrior for God!! She's amazing and bold. I look forward to her hugs and hearing her laughter. That night was a different G. She was definitely a messenger on a mission. I listened intently as she reached into some of the most painful times in her life...inside I was in complete unity with God as He whispered, "let it go. you have held onto this for too long, it's time to let it go. forgive them even though they weren't sorry. this bitterness is costing you too much. it's too distracting, it happened you were innocent, let it go my daughter." I felt the piece of brokenness  that I had held onto for about 48 years drop. I was innocent. This was a futile attempt by the enemy to destroy the little girl I was and for many years he succeeded at holding these feelings hostage deep inside my heart, but God. He loves me too much to leave me in that pit of self loathing that I was sinking into. 

After G finished I walked over to her and hugged her. I knew God wanted me to boldly get up and go hug His sweet, brave messenger. With that hug I prayed she could feel His love and how grateful I was for her.

The second night I had my second wind, I had slept and I had woken up in Robin's birthday land...where everyone was happy to celebrate the day God brought me here. I will share more with you about my birthday, but today I want to share the amazing story of God's campfire messengers. The second night was a pretty personal night. It was MJ. I will call this wonderful messenger MJ. She shared a personal story that I hadn't heard. It happened before I came to my first least some of it had.

She shared about losing her and her hubby's bff's...both were lost within less than 2 years. She talked about their relationship and how much she missed them. She then shared the message God had for her...and me. See her friends had asked her and her husband to do something that she accepted easily, thinking that she would never have to actually follow through. This world there are battles that we never think we are going to be in...until we are. I know her story was different then mine, but God intertwined His message in her testimony. A message I have been running from. A forgiving I will never get, that has to be ok. The forgiveness I offer will never be accepted and that also has to be ok.

See for years I promised my sweet grandprincess I would never leave her and that I would always be with her. This promise I have not been able to keep and this has held me hostage to a deep, sharp pain in my heart and mind. I never thought I would not be with her because I love her and would give my life for her. That is still the case. Her daddy's family will not answer my texts and I was threatened with "consequences" if I try to contact him in anyway, ever again. For months I have wrestled with God over this. I have sobbed many hours of heartache at the one grand child that lived close to me a being suddenly ripped away. I have cried for myself and more than that I have cried buckets of tears for her...wondering exactly what they said about me disappearing from her life. I held onto an anger towards them, all of them. But God. He reminded me that I have to forgive them, even when they aren't sorry. The forgiving is for me, not for them. One day she will be old enough to choose, and God will still be in her heart. For now He has asked me to simply forgive them and myself for the broken promise. 

After that campfire I hugged MJ and told her "thank you, I needed to hear it was ok to let go. that it didn't mean I was abandoning her, I only need to wait until they forgive or she comes looking. I have NO choice in the matter of visitation as long as they were still unforgiving I wont see her. and that has to be ok, or it will eat me alive and leave me sitting in this same pit."

The third night was a campfire and a hayride, but I was just ready to hang in the cabin and then the second night of a "prayer circle" didn't end until about 4:30 am and I will leave it at that. For now I want to just say thank you to God's amazing campfire "messengers"  G and MJ...y'all have no idea just how deep the work went in my heart thanks to you both saying yes to God. Y'all are brave and so powerful...warrior princesses for God. Love you both and thank you...oh and more to come about G's hubby, I met him the day God gave us at M and Mr A's house. God definitely picked him up and set him right in my path...J I am proud of you and all you are allowing God to transform in you and your life. I look forward to seeing you step out as God's messenger too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Mary and Martha"

Mary and Martha
38-40 As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.”

41-42 The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”

We were picking up another one of the women at the other airport and had driven around and around a few times trying to figure out who we were there for. I was just talking to Little B about how I could understand that she didn't remember me, we really only saw each other once a year, and this time it had been more than a year. When she called...Martha. I was so excited to meet her all of the sudden, but had no idea why. Holy Spirit knew, He provided the sudden feeling of excitement! Mr A had me ask if she was upstairs or down and she said she was down, so he headed that way. When we came around the corner I told her what to look for and she spotted us right away. I saw her and thought "I don't know her, do I?" No, I didn't know her, yet, but God was going to change that very quickly. 

She got in and we introduced ourselves and I knew instantly that we were going to be good friends. Her love for God was so bold she lit up the day light. God whispered, "Martha and Mary..." Suddenly these verses flooded my mind and I knew God had planned for us to spend this quality time together; both of us in a moving vehicle so neither of us could do anything but enjoy the ride and sit at the feet of Jesus together, at least for the length of the ride. Soon I would understand why. We arrived at the beautiful Lakeview Camp and Retreat Center just as a caravan of the leadership team were unloading. I could barely wait for Mr A to park the car so I could jump out and run to get the hugs I had been waiting for. I jumped out squealing with joy and ran to the group of women I recognized and grabbed each one to hug them tight! My heart was so full and I knew that I was once again "home." 

 I ran back to the car just in time to grab my bags that were unloaded, thanks again Mr A. Martha had just lifted her bags out of the trunk and headed towards the entrance. I told Mr A and Little B bye and I would see them at their house on Sunday. Then I rolled my bags into the office and found Martha with her bags. We stood just chatting about me hoping I could get to a store for some drinks and she also wanted to go for some things she had forgotten at home. Since we were there very early and the team still had to set up we were recruited to help them unload and get stuff set up for the amazing weekend God had for each of us and all of us together. 

Martha was a little spitfire, I don't even know how many trips she made. I had been asked if I could put the speakers table together, which God reminded me I wouldn't have known how to do before I spent that time refurbishing my own tables with Him back in December. I got busy trying to get the 4 legs on this table. The first 2 were fairly easy, but the second 2 I struggled with getting to line up. Jesus brought me His songbird, K and she sat down on the ground with me and between the two of us we got those 4 legs on that table. After getting the meeting room set up we headed over to our cabins. God knew this weekend He was going to plant a seed of friendship and grow that friendship to a lifelong bloom in just these 5 days. 

We were in the same side of the same cabin, so we picked our bunks and picked bunks next to each other. God seems to surround me with understanding people everywhere He wants me. This time was no different, Martha was the most giving, selfless person I had been blessed to meet in a long time. She was bold in her love for God, she was transparent in her struggles and she was created to nurture others. As we unpacked some and got ready to go to the first evening of "Propelling Prayers" we shared about ourselves. Martha was open and wise as she ran around the little nook she was sharing with me. Then without even thinking about it she offered to make sure the bunks all got sprayed with Lysol and mattresses were flipped if needed. I really didn't unpack much I was too excited to get to see all the other sisters God was bringing to this weekend encounter with Him. So I was running around hugging sisters I hadn't seen since the last retreat, or even retreats from years before. Then we all headed out to dinner. I felt like she was my little sister and I had to make sure she was ok. Really God had purposely put us together. 

The first evening was mostly learning about each other and then a camp fire at the end of the evening. I will share more later about the amazing speaker at the campfire. We headed back to the cabin. There were a few of us, one of which was sweet Martha. After only 2 hours sleep the night before, a morning at the airport and then the long day I knew I would probably not be awake very much longer. I knew the girls were going to be up late, but my body was saying, NO! I laid down and put my headphones on. Put on my new favorite Praise list and started talking to my Poppa. I don't know how long it was before I drifted off into sweet peace, but I know when I woke up in the middle of  the night I was confused by the sparkly chaos that I got tangled up in??? I finally got free and climbed out from under my bunk with my flashlight. Then as I tried to quietly sneak between the bunks I ran right into something with my face?? I shined my light and saw that it was a shiny "Happy Birthday" banner...this brought tears to my eyes. I started immediately whispering to God what amazing sisters He gives me. I got back in my bed and put my headphones back on and thanked God for loving me so much. 

First thing in the morning I got up and came around the bunks and there was Martha, she came over and hugged me and said, "Happy Birthday Robin!!" I was still excited by the sparkly birthday everywhere, I squealed "thank you so much!!" We walked together to the breakfast hall and talked about her morning. She had shared she was in college and had to keep her homework up online while she was there. Her laptop had given her a hard time and she had to go hunting for internet. God had blessed her and she was able to find exactly what she needed. I told her how impressed I was and a few tears rolled down her face. She shared that she was grateful and knew this was what God was asking her to do, she was also struggling with some other feelings. Things at the retreat and her other areas. Right then God whispered, "tell her about the Scriptures I gave you for her." I argued that maybe it would be too harsh. I asked God to be glorified in the words and He was faithful. 

I shared that God had led me to the Scriptures about Martha and Mary when I first met her. I shared that Martha was so worried about serving others she forgot to sit at Jesus feet and just absorb all He had for her. Even if she had to take time to do the school work, He wouldn't let her down and if she would just sit for  a moment with Him, He was there, waiting. I hope she got what God wanted her to out of that word. I do know that as the weekend went on, I received many messages from God both from Martha and through who she is. 

The day we headed back to our friends home, we didn't ride together. I was excited to get to spend one more evening with her since our flights left the next day. It was not just us, but several other sisters that had plans to stay with M and her family. We all sat around and talked, shared what God had given us. Sweet Martha was exhausted and she laid down at my feet with a pillow and dozed off. She slept for quite a while and then went upstairs to rest. When she came back down she was rested. We all watched the pictures of the retreat, for a long time. They had gotten some wonderful and transparent pictures of Martha worshiping...Her heart was so buried in Jesus. 

That night we shared a room. In it was a twin bed and a twin air mattress. Martha started to prepare the air mattress to sleep on. I walked over and told her that she was sleeping on the bed, not the air mattress. She said no it's ok. I would not take no for an answer. So she finally agreed. We got into our beds and we shared words from the retreat. God reached right through her that night...He grabbed a part of me and I will never be the same. This woman who didn't know me just a few days before, well she had come to know me. I also came to know her. 

She boldly shared a message from God that night with me, one that I had been running from...until then. There are so many things I could share about this sister God brought me this year. I know this is long, but I wanted to make sure that I shared the impact that God made through this sister, this woman who finally laid down and rested. Since the retreat we have talked on the phone and text several times, God brought her into my life. This was her word in my book of prophesy...

She said she can't remember why she wrote "Teapot" down...but God shared why with me.

Martha I love you. I am thankful for your willingness to share some hard words from God...without any hesitation. You are a beacon...make sure you are taking time to be still with our Poppa.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Headed "home"

Walk with the wise and become wise; walk with fools and get in trouble.
Proverbs 13:20

The night before my flight to Texas I could not get to sleep. I had been fully packed for almost a week, well except the last minute things that had to make it into my check in bag. I was showered, my clothes were out and I was prepared. My mind would not shut down, just kept excitedly going over every detail. The way I would describe it is like the night before going home for the first time in a long time. Only this home isn't some place with the family drama. No this home is like going right up to God's lap and jumping in. It wasn't a fear of flying, or the fear of fitting in the seat belt, no the work God had done at other retreats took care of both of those fears. It actually wasn't fear at all, it was an excitement like the first time I saw my children, or grandchildren. A deep sense of expectation. I knew He had something big to ask me to hand over, I just wasn't sure it what it was going to be. 

I knew that from the first retreat with MYRRH Ministries back in 2013, that God would ask me to lay something down, and then pick something from Him up. I have always dreaded surprises, anything that detours from what I plan, or agree to. I think it's because the surprises aren't always good. These retreats God has taken me to have always got an element of surprise to them. One of the things that God has kept for surprise is what area He's going to dig into in my life. It's not always a painful journey, but it's always life changing. This year I was struggling to figure out what He was going to do in His transformation of my heart. 

I had to be at the airport to fly out by 5:45 am and we live at least 1.5 hours from the airport. I still had to get ready so that was another hour I needed on top of that. Looking at my phone and seeing the time was 1:30 and I had to get up at 3:30, brought in a panic. But God reminded me that I could sleep on the flight. Finally I fell into a deep sleep that felt like...I had just shut my eyes, but the anticipation for seeing so many sisters and experiencing everything God had for us together, was enough to get me up with a bright shiny smile. I was ready on time and out the door in the nick of time. Of course I had given myself plenty of time, with plenty left over. For the first time the trip to the airport only took about 45 minutes so I had almost 3 hours before my flight. Even after checking my bags and going through security, I had way over 2 hours to wait. 

I decided to get breakfast then sit and do my reading for my Bible study. I was still running on the adrenaline rushing through me from the expectation of this retreat. 

While reading God gave me the answer to my question. While I recognized part of it, I didn't grasp just how deep this would actually go...yet. What I did get was the authors reference to a tree being representative of us all on our journeys with God. How the closer we get to God the higher in the tree we go. That's such a great visual. I also loved that she explains that it's almost like a reaching up to those who are wiser, and accepting those who are reaching up for us. Not looking down their noses but reaching down to steady them as God lifts them to the next branch up. 

I knew that He reached through others to help me up, I guess I didn't consider that He would use me to do the same. I had been holding onto a deep lie that I wasn't enough. This lie had been planted many years in my young mind. I had always done my best to please people, not really to please them but to make me feel good. In that, I could hide behind the old child mentality that "I am not enough." I had never felt enough for anyone because God didn't create me to be someone else's Savior. Jesus came for this exact reason. Wow, throat punch there about where that chunk of pride was hiding, right in plain sight. 

I closed my book and looked around. There were so many people. Everywhere I looked. They were rushing here and there, some walking with their faces buried in their phones, while others simply looked at the floor. I realized I was there alone in that airport, God was with me, but I didn't know a single person. Just then Poppa whispered, "all separate even as they are all right here together." I sat there watching these strangers walk by, searching for each one who happened to glance my way. Everyone who's eyes I locked with I shared a smile, if they were close enough I would also speak to. Not many have time to stop and just share a smile and hello with someone. For a people person who had hours to wait, this was an invitation.

I made my way over to my gate. I searched for a seat, first one alone...don't judge I'm just being real here. The gate was pretty full because of a flight before mine. I found a single seat next to a mom with a giggly little guy. He was glad I sat down, or at least it seemed like it in his grin and the giggles. He was climbing up his mom, over and over he would climb up and almost make it to her glasses then she would gently move him back down into her lap; but he wouldn't give up and for almost an hour he climbed up over and over again. We chatted and I learned he was 7 months old. It seems like that time flew by. Before I knew it I was on board and we were up in the sky checking out God's view. 

My plan to sleep on the plane was good, but not possible. I was still too excited to get to Texas. I settled in with the sweet sounds of praise and worship music from Bethel, Elevation and many other wonderful voices gifted by God. The flight was not full so there was a seat between me and the gentleman next to the window. He was watching his phone for awhile, but eventually he put it down and looked at me. I had been waiting patiently. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I moved my headphones and said "good morning." He said "good morning." He asked if I was from Arizona or Texas. I explained I live in Arizona, but how I believe God's going to move me to Texas to surround me with people who point me to Him. Then I asked him the same question, he said I live in Dallas. One of my kids lives in Arizona. He shared that this was his first trip since his wife died several months before that. He almost whispered the next part, "I tried to cancel this trip, but my daughter had already paid for it. She wanted to take me to Mexico to get my teeth fixed, she wanted to pay for it and refused to take no for an answer. So here I am." His eyes were sparkling from the tears that threatened to well over, but he still forced a smile. My heart hurt for him, I wanted to take that pain from him...give him God's peace. The only words I could get past my lips at that moment were, "I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad you accepted your daughters help. That is not easy for us parents to do, we always want to take care of our kids. The good thing is that plants seeds of selflessness in them that God will harvest." He smiled and shook his head yes. He went back to watching his phone.

I just cried out to God for peace for him. That He would surround him with people like his daughter that would share the love of God with him. I asked God to lighten his burdens and bless him abundantly. Then I went back to listening to my worship and singing (probably out loud) and talking to God. When we landed he said "thank you." I smiled and said, "God bless you sir." 

I headed out to meet Mr A & little B who were picking me up and taking me to the retreat. I thought we were going straight to the retreat center, but God had other plans...He was bringing His little firecracker too, and we were picking her up at the other airport. I had no idea at the time, but my sweet little sister would speak some mighty powerful words to me...directly from my Poppa God's lips. I did know however that I loved her boldness, her instant friendship and most of all...her BOLD love for God. 

Simply by the way God was starting this day I knew that He would be moving some more mountains in this amazing visit "home."

Friday, March 23, 2018

Heart Transforming...that's what God's doing.

Then he turned to the host. “The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be—and experience—a blessing. They won’t be able to return the favor, but the favor will be returned—oh, how it will be returned!—at the resurrection of God’s people.”
Luke 14:14-16

I remember when God first asked me to accept an invite to my first retreat with MYRRH Ministries back in 2013. I answered without hesitation, "YES." I shared exactly what God taught me at that retreat in about 8 blog posts, you can go back and read them if you haven't had the chance. Since that first year I have been to every retreat they've held. In fact this years retreat was # 5  for me. God has provided the finances and way there for every single year. This year was no different. Not only does He provide for me to go, He reaches out to specific areas of me. Areas that He's already working with me before the retreat. 

I haven't been faithful to share each retreats transforming moments for the last several years. Not that I haven't been transformed in some way, every retreat God has shown up and spoken through sisters who really don't know me that well, if at all. He always has something good for me. From the first one when He taught me that living for Him completely is what He asks for, every area. Even when "christians" try to put God in a box, He's asking me to live out loud and boldly for Him. The next one He gave me freedom from the guilt and heartache of losing my only sister to suicide. As her big sister I struggled with not being there for her when she took her life, but God, He is freedom.  I can finally breathe in deep now when I think about my Sissy. At the third one He taught me about doesn't always look the way that this world portrays it. In fact it looks different for each of us, and that's ok. The last one was probably the most difficult...for all of us, but mostly for the sweet sister that started these retreats many years before God invited me to my first one. 

Her plans were set and she was ready for ALL He had for her and us...even when His plans were completely out of her control. He knew that the name of the retreat would have a much deeper meaning than any one could ever imagine, in fact it was named way before. "Joy comes in the mourning" took on new meaning to my sweet sister that exact weekend, when God called her sweet daughter Home to Heaven the first day of the retreat. When many of us moms of adult daughters were sharing our stories about our daughters walking out or our daughters making bad choices...she was mourning not having a chance to hug her girl again this side of Heaven.

So in all the years that God has been taking me to MYRRH Ministries Retreats, He has been transforming my heart. Each one He reaches into a specific piece of me and shows me the way out of the darkness, into His light. While I have learned to appreciate the love and truth He speaks through these amazing sisters, I have also struggled with feeling like I fit in anywhere else. From the moment I met the first group I have known that these are my peeps. These are women not afraid to live boldly for Jesus, always. These women each have their own relationship with God and they aren't afraid to share some of the deepest valleys He has walked them through. Not to brag about their faith, or strength, no this is the opposite of that. They boldly share their heartaches and struggles so that they can share their "God" moments. This has been a struggle for me in my life. I learn more and more that every area of my life He wants to give me peace and mercy in the chaos...when others are concerned I'm being tricked by a cult, I'm begging God to take me deeper and deeper. 

This retreat was NO different. God surprised me with the finances to pay for the retreat. Then Mr T lost his job. I didn't lose hope, well I did a few times, but God is faithful. I waited patiently, not complaining at all...not really it was actually more of a desperation I was walking around in. He literally dropped the price of a round trip ticket to Dallas to less than $200. I know He dropped it because I checked those flights and prices everyday for a couple months. I was hoping for a huge drop in price and what I was seeing on a daily basis was an increase in price. About a week and a half before the retreat I said, "ok I will check this one last time." As I scrolled down the flights on Southwest, I saw the exact early morning flight I wanted was the ONLY one that was $47...the rest were $300-400. Not only that but I knew that the return flight had to also be affordable, it wasn't as cheap, but the total round trip cost was below $200 with tax. Since the return flight was for the day after the retreat, it also meant I would have an evening to spend not only with my sweet sister, but also with her family.  At that time I had no idea it also meant a few other sisters from the retreat. Each one an important part of God's transformation of my heart. During that time God brought such great revelation, like the retreat was still happening. 

So, I will end this word with this bit of truth from my trip to my last retreat...every one wants to be accepted...everyone wants to be invited...if we only accept and invite those we know we like, or we know are like us...we are missing the entire example of Jesus. Just like the verses Luke 14:12-14 MSG above, our desire should be to spread out and share Jesus with everyone, not just people we know and like. I can honestly say that some of the deepest messages God has given me have come through someone I probably wouldn't know if it wasn't for God. I have always been the "misfit" in the crowd and for years I fought hard against this title...until God reminded me He set me apart for Himself. Now my prayer is that my Poppa can reach through me to every person He places in my path. Not discriminating as this world does, but loving like He does. In this piece of the body of Christ, I am not a misfit, I am just His princess. I won't even try to imagine who I would be if K hadn't been obedient and invited me all those years ago. I am just looking forward to what He's gonna do through me in the times to come. I will keep my ears and eyes open for the women He places in my life and asks me to invite to these heart transforming retreats just like He invited me into. In Matthew 5:46-48 it's plainly explained...

 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. 
Matthew 5:46-48 NLT

I will be sharing more about the "His Agenda: Propelling Prayers" retreat and some of the transformations God did. This was just the much more than I can share right now.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jesus here we come...

Today my sweet sister sent me a link to a great sermon from Elevation Church, Pastor Steven Furtick, called "Dysfunctional Comfort." I love the relationship that is already like a life long sisterhood, after about 18 months. God gently set this beautiful, smart, and bold sister down in my life at the last MYRRH Ministries retreat, "The Joy comes in the Mourning." That was my 4th retreat and her first. Since then we have talked so many times, we've cried together, shared laughs and also done some hard conversations. This will be our first time being back in the same place though, and can I just share how excited I am. In about 24 hours I get to see my sister and hug her. This last 18 months has not always been easy. We have both had joyous occasions and also heart break, but one thing we both knew we had was each other.

She is definitely a gift from God. At a time when many other people, including family, have run away from me and my struggle with change and control, she stands next to me. She isn't just a "trophy" friend who is just for the good times. She's not afraid to be next to me during the darkest hours of either of our lives. She has boldly spoken God's message to me, even knowing that I may react in anger and possibly lash out at her. She doesn't shy away from the truth God's giving her to share, she isn't distracted by my outbursts. She loves me enough to speak the hard truth and then give me a moment to accept it. She's not blinded by my defensive reactions, she knows my desire is to live for God, all the time. She also isn't afraid to let me share a word with her. Even with the hard stuff, she seeks God's message and trusts my heart is to love her, not hurt her. She's knows how much I love God and she knows how much I love her. 

I can't begin to share just how many amazing sisters God has blessed me with at my retreats. These sisters come from so many different states across the US. The one thing I see that is common, our love for God and to live for Him boldly. Every single year I explain to people that I get to go be myself, live my faith out loud without fear of offending someone. Not that I don't live my faith out always, but they don't look at me crazy and most know me and love me anyway. Many have shared words with me, words that I have never spoken or thought over myself. They see someone I don't see most of the time, or through those who live close to me. They also accept who they see, they love me regardless of me. 

I don't know if I can explain the depth of the love I have for women I see once a year, or sometimes only ever see again on Facebook. I can't explain why I am so comfortable with these women, I can only share that my heart is to live boldly for God, all the time. They have been a huge part of my walk of transformation. This year I am hoping to meet the sweet young woman who hosted the "Biggest Loser" challenge that God used to get me on His path of transformation. I have yet to meet her, her mama is one who has walked me right into the presence of Jesus on many occasions, and both her mama and daddy prayed with me and shared a truth from God with me at the last retreat. I know that this family is a wonderful gift from God. 

So I just want to say, Texas here I come, ready for all God will speak, pour out and usher in at the "Propelling Prayers" retreat. I am coming filled with the excited anticipation of the mountains God will move this year...and all the hugs and love that these sweet sisters bring and share...every year. If you are searching for an annual retreat filled with the presence of God, check out this amazing ministry, 

They are amazing, they love Jesus and they live Jesus.