Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome to a new year...or WELCOME TO A NEW YEAR!!!!

Thank y'all for showing me the love...I got on here today to write a post & Poppa God took me here first...

WOW, that's humbling for me...that puts some things into #PERSPECTIVE for me...this #humble old Nona puts her fingers on the keyboard & God pours out a message to who He chooses...He walks me through it, either first, or during...but He always walks me through it.

I am just hopping on to tell y'all Happy New Year, may 2017 grow your relationships deeper than you could ever imagine, with God & those He places in your circle. Of course while I am on here I think I will just give you a small taste of what mighty work God's got in store for my next post...

My words for 2017 are #PERSPECTIVE2017 #HUMBLE #shineHIMbright #SINGLOUDLY & finally...#FOCUS. 

Poppa God has been whispering these words for a few weeks now...He has also started giving me my first Scriptures for 2017...the ones that He will be using to mold & shape trim away more of my worldly ways...thank You Poppa God...thank You for not leaving me in my dark pit.

So far He's given me John 1:8...John himself was not the LIGHT he was simply a witness to tell about the LIGHT....Isaiah 42:8...I AM THE LORD; THAT IS MY NAME! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols...and He is whispering carved idols are the ones I carve out in my life...finally Isaiah 43:18-19...But forget ALL that--it is NOTHING compared to what I am GOING to do. For I am about to do something  NEW. See I have already begun!! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

So, I am headed to a yummy get together...but God's got a it for you?? or someone you know or love??? 

Happy New Year to you & yours,
Thanks for reading my blogs, I hope you will share them...if you like them.

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